Important Notice
As you all know, we've been having some serious problems with our current 25 man raids, being, they are practically non-existent. We've had poor attendance and overall sub-par performance during said runs, when they actually manage to manifest. We, as officers, have done everything in our power to get these runs going. However, we haven't gotten the response we were looking for. So far, all we've encountered are problems and no real solutions in sight.
Fortunately, we've come up with a solution, we feel, will benefit those who have shown dedication and interest in raiding 25-man instances. We have organized a joint effort with the guild Band of Thugs, to continue our progression in end-game content.
We have (and will continue to) selected, what we believe to be, our best raiders to join forces with BoT's top raiders to form a stable and organized 25-man raid. That way, we will be able to enjoy 25-man content without having to disband or merge with another guild.
The final roster is still in the works. It will not be posted at this time.If you have any questions on whether or not you have a spot in the 25-man raids, please feel free to ask your class officer. People who have shown dedication to the guild and presented great playing skills are the first to be considered. Please take that in mind. Also note, that the rankings in the guild may be re-worked in the near future. Please refer to this post by Rilrea, regarding the ranking system.
We have learned that our dkp system and that of BoT's are relatively the same. We will most likely be merging our dkp with theirs, so there will be no restarting for those that have saved up all this time. We are still discussing this, and it is yet to be made final.
The new 25-man raid will have it's first trial run on Tuesday, August 7th, 2007. We will be attempting Gruul's Lair. If you have any questions or concerns, please post them here so that they can be discussed.
That is all for now. We'll be sure to keep you posted and up to date on any decisions and/or changes in this development.
Keep your chin up and your chest out. Show some pride, you're a part of No Means No.
- Yizzur
// Note: The decisions described above were made by the officers of both No Means No and Band of Thugs as a collective. We did not decide this on a whim; this has been in the works for a while now. We truly believe this will help our guild and we only wish <No> and it's members the best. //
Future Raiding
Moderator: Guild Officer